Q-2, r. 32 - Regulation respecting hazardous materials

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(s. 63)
(1) The soil aggressiveness value (SAV) is determined according to the CIPP-82.3 method of the Canadian Institute of Petroleum Products.
(2) The tank/soil index (T/S) is determined by multiplying the soil aggressiveness value by the age of the tank. T/S = (SAV × AGE).
(3) On the basis of the zones indicated in the following graph, the requirements with regard to the tank are as follows (see graph):
(1) may be protected;
(2) may be protected but must be removed from the ground before the expiry of 25 years;
(3) may be protected but must be removed from the ground before the expiry of 25 years. The impermeability shall be inspected every 5 years; and
(4) may be protected but must be removed from the ground before the expiry of a T/S of 180 or the age of 25. The impermeability shall be inspected every year.
O.C. 1310-97, Sch. 7.